Okay, so I've majorly neglected this blog.
My apologizes!
How about some updates? =]
So I did end up showing Ancaster and thankfully, we didn't end up eating any dirt. Infact, things went fantastic. Warm-up was great, ran through the course without an issue and left it at that.
The show went great as well. We ended up with two fourths overfences but didn't get anything on the flat. I blame it on my poor equitation but still have an issue figuring out how one rider placed above us, yet their horse was doing airs above ground infront of the judge. Oh well though, the past is the past!

Things were quiet through October, no shows. Just plenty of quiet time to work on my many, many equitation issues. Gotta learn somewhere, right? I'll admit that I have improved immensely, hands down to that.
Our next show was at Blacks Equine Centre and simply showed in the 2' division. There's a bit of a backstory to this and is not one of my proudest times. I allowed someone to get to me, and her constant criticizing of my riding finally set me off. I ended up showing in the same division as her on equal ground (aka, we both had green horses who had the same amount of time off). I figured we'd put both our riding skills to the test and the better rider would be revealed.
Well, Symbah and I received a 2nd place on the flat, two 4ths overfences and a 3rd in the Stakes class (so we received $25 ontop of that). The girl didn't place at all and I figured that drama was over. It sure isn't, but there's no point going into detail!

Now, not too much is going on. I found out that I am in 5th place for the Year End Awards for my division. I'm only 20 points behind first place, so I'm very excited about it. BEC has had two shows so far, but I had only shown at one. So I have high hopes! My next show there is in two weeks on January 25th. Same division, going for the red this time! I've got my fingers crossed!
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